RZ Asks a Pro Landscaper: How Do You Get Green Grass All Summer?
Here are 7 Tips to a green and healthy lawn.
At RZ® we get to be a part of so many dusty, dirty and beautiful projects that pros and amateurs alike are doing. Every day we learn from you, so as summer approaches we asked an RZ® pro and the owner of Mower Man Lawn Service in McKinney, TX to give us tips for how to keep your grass green, how to kill weeds, and the landscaping safety gear every home DIY landscaper needs.
Meet the Pro: David Ovando
Company: Mower Man Lawn Service, McKinney, TX

Q: What are a few simple landscaping tips to get beautiful green grass?
A: First I recommend using a weed-control/fertilizer that can help with keeping grass healthy without weeds. We use a weed and feed mix available at any hardware store.

Second, if water runs off your grass without sinking it, it may be time to dethatch your yard to remove the build-up of dead grass. In cool-season grasses that would be in the early spring or late fall. For warmer-season grasses, dethatch early in the summer. If you’re doing this yourself, you can use a dethatching rake which is available at most lawn and garden stores.
Once you’ve dethatched your yard, aerate your lawn so it can breathe and grow thicker roots. Aerating perforates the soil to let more water and nutrients penetrate the grass. You can either hire a company or do it yourself by renting an aerator.

Final tip, once you’ve prepped your lawn for the season, is to cut the grass at a taller level so the grass plant can grow faster and thicken up to have a lush green lawn.
Q: Are there any things you see people do that you recommend they don’t do?
A: Letting your lawn get overgrown is hard on your grass because when you finally do cut it down, the lawn has been stressed and usually dries out. Keeping a regular routine maintenance day helps prevent this from happening.
Q: What are your top safety items for landscaping that keep you safe while you work?
A: While mowing we use ear plugs, safety glasses, and gloves. On overcast days we even use yellow lens safety glasses to ensure we are safe working on dark areas while mowing.
Q: What lawn care projects do you recommend wearing a mask for lung protection?
A: It’s important to wear a mask when doing leaf clean ups and cutting dry grass to avoid breathing in all the dirt and elements.

Q: What’s your RZ Mask® of choice?
A: Our favorite RZ Mask is the M2 Mesh in either safety green or black.

Q: If you had a daily mantra, what would it be?
A: Stay positive, work hard, make it happen.
Follow @mowermanls on Instagram for more tips and recommendations!
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